Yesterday... Yesterday was a bad day. I'm not sure why. Do you ever have those? Those "dark cloud" (as my partner at work calls them) days, the ones that nothing is right, anxiety is through the roof, and tears come on their own all day. I said I would tell stories here. This is one that isn't necessarily happy but may help some not feel so alone.
Trying a little coffee to soothe the soul
My poor husband doesn't know what to do to help. I don't know what to tell him. No, it's not his fault. I'm not mad at him. I am just overwhelmingly sad. I tried to do normal things like laundry, straightening up the house. I tried to do something creative, coloring, but just ended up staring at the page blankly with tears in my eyes. I tried getting out of the house, but that wasn't much of a reprieve. I did make it through the day to the evening, took a hot shower, and went to bed.
This morning I feel some better. I am still exhausted but not as hopeless. Depression and anxiety ain't for sissies. And sometimes, it is more than I can hide. But today is a new day and the tears aren't coming. Sometimes you just have to claw your way through one day to get to the next. And that's okay.
Be well, y'all.
I wrote this last weekend, but published today. The message is the same.
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