I have a lot to say. If you know me, you already know that's the honest truth. I say a lot. It isn't always meaningful or powerful, sometimes it's just fun. As you may have guessed from the title, my husband is an artist. And he's a damn good one. He amazes me. He takes an airbrush (yes, like for t-shirts) and paints these pieces that are just... awe inspiring.
Yup... That's one of his. I can just feel the anticipation and longing of this precious pup to see his momma and/or daddy coming home. I just wanna hug him.
Then... There's me. I like art. I really do. I like crafty things. I love my hot glue gun. I love to upcycle and DIY. And I like to talk... And chat... and text... About all kinds of things, things that don't have much to do with the "family business" of my husband's art. So, rather than fight against the machine, so to speak, I decided to make my own little corner of the internet. Just for me and what's going on with me. Will it involve my husband sometimes? Sure it will. He is a huge part of my life. But there are more parts of my life... Humor, sadness, triumph, defeat, day to day humdrum, and silly small victories that make me grin like an idiot. Those, those are what goes here.