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Line up for dinner

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

As you have probably surmised by now, our pups are very loved members of our family. I say often I love my dogs more than I like most people. That isn't much of a stretch as there are so many mean people in the world. All that to say, we treat them like the members of the family they are. We give them people food, unless it could be harmful to them, and they are allowed on the furniture. In fact, It is more like we are allowed on our furniture.

Funny story: One evening Jax was in my husband's regular spot on our couch. Due to my husband's illness he will spend some time on our couch to rest. He was hurting pretty badly so came into the living room and said, "Come on buddy, I need you to move so daddy can sit." No joke this dog started snoring with his eyes open. And they say animals can't understand us...

My husband is an artist so he works from home. We have been on a high protein, low carb diet for awhile now. We eat lots of steak, chicken, ground beef, pork, but not so much fish. We aren't huge fish people. My husband is so good to shop the sales and stock up when we can on these items because prices of everything seems to be going up lately. I always call when I leave work to check in and see if I need to do anything on my way home. When I do he knows I will be home in about an hour, maybe less if Nashville traffic is light. Many days he will begin making dinner after I call. I am very grateful. He is a much better cook than I am anyway. And after working a ten hour shift it is really nice not to have to come home and cook dinner. I know I am a lucky girl.

I got so tickled the other day. I came home and when I walked in the boys greeted me excitedly. Jax always barks a lot, as if to say "Mom! I'm here! See me? I missed you!" Problem is the poor love doesn't know his deep Rottweiler bark echoes and hurts our ears. So I try to pet him a lot and reassure him I do see him and I missed him. Rico, on the other hand, will run and grab a ball, bring it to me, hold it up in his mouth, and woo-woo for my attention. Sometimes he even lets me take the ball from his mouth and toss it. Other times he only wants me to look at him and talk to him. Then I finally work my way through the mass of fur to hug our youngest and kiss my husband. I usually joke, "I'm home, in case you didn't hear."

On this day my husband was pulling steaks off the grill as I went to change out of my scrubs. When I came back to the kitchen the boys were waiting not so patiently for my husband to put something good in their bowls. You see, we usually share. I stood just outside the kitchen because he was making plates. Our youngest came down and stood behind me. I started to laugh. We had formed a line for our dinner... And true to how our house usually works we were behind the boys.

Taking our places in line for our dinner plates: Rico



Our youngest (not pictured)

At the very top is my wonderful husband who was feeding us all.

When my husband handed me my plate over the boys' heads they looked offended. Hey, being The Momma has advantages! Don't worry, the boys got some steak in their bowls too. And ate it faster than I could start on mine. Then came over begging as if they had had none. (It's my fault, I taught them to... He says. :D )

Tell me about your fur babies! Do they run your home? What funny things do they do? I want to hear all about them!

Be well, y'all.

We firmly believe in adopt, don't shop. Animal rescue is a wonderful endeavor and always needing a little help. Our local Metro Animal Care and Control has an Amazon wish list which can be used to drop ship needed items directly to them. Check out MACC's wish list here:

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